
Investing with
The world faces several global challenges. Poverty, hunger, inequality and climate change are some of the issues we need to address urgently. We live on a blue planet and the ocean is a critical part of the solution. Bluefront ensures scalable and responsible growth in the seafood industry by investing in products, services and technology with positive impact on ocean health and animal welfare.
Why is the blue economy so important?

As the global population heads towards a projected 9.7 billion by 2050, the demand for food, particularly sustainable protein sources, is set to rise dramatically. Traditional land-based agriculture faces limitations in terms of land and water use and the food value chain represents one third of the global greenhouse gas emissions. This makes it imperative to look towards the oceans – which cover 71% of our planet yet contribute only 2% to our global food supply.

We agree with the Ocean Panel’s statement: “It was once thought there was a choice between ocean protection and production, but in reality, the two go together”. The United Nations states that the ocean generates 50% of the oxygen we need, absorbs 25% of all carbon dioxide emissions, and captures 90% of the excess heat generated by these emissions. It is not just 'the lungs of the planet' but also its largest 'carbon sink' – an essential buffer against the impacts of climate change.

At the same time, more than three billion people rely on food from the ocean and the vast majority is in developing countries.

Aquaculture emerges as a vital industry in this context, offering a sustainable solution to meet the world's growing nutritional needs. It uses significantly less land and water compared to traditional livestock farming, and the environmental impact, in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, is considerably lower. To examplify, Mowi (the world's largest salmon producer) estimates a potential of ~70% emission reduction by changing from land animal protein production to salmon production.

We need to address food transition the same way as energy transition and move from high emission proteins to low emission proteins.

How do we achieve impact?

Bluefront ensures scalable and responsible growth in the seafood industry by investing in products, services and technology. If responsibly managed, aquaculture can provide eco-friendly and nutritious food while alleviating pressure on marine life and protect ocean biodiversity. Our investments are playing an important role in sustainable ocean practices and animal welfare. We invest in direct and indirect suppliers in the seafood value chain expected to be key in the transition towards new and more environmentally friendly production methods.

In our impact strategy, we have analyzed and identified areas where we can make lasting impact. We have based our strategy around the UN sustainable development goals ”SDGs”. Bluefront’s impact strategy is centered around zero hunger (Goal 2), while at the same time manage water more sustainably (Goal 6), be more resource efficient (Goal 9), reduce emissions (Goal 13), and sustainably manage the ocean and its marine resources (Goal 14).

To secure successful implementation into Bluefront’s investment process we have integrated chosen guidelines for aquaculture as suggested by Coller FAIRR and the Principles for Responsible investments (PRI).

For more information about our impact, please refer to our latest sustainability report and responsible investment policy.

Sustainability related disclosures

Bluefront Capital I AS promotes environmental characteristics as defined in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation or “SFDR”).

The disclosures below are prepared in accordance with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation Article 3, 4, 5 and 10 and provide information on Bluefront Equity’s approach to ESG and sustainability in a regulatory context and details on the environmental characteristics promoted by Bluefront Capital I AS.
